Thursday, February 14, 2013

Ash Wednesday,
Went to get my Ashes today, from ashes to ashes from dust to dust, nothing like getting some blessed carbon thumbed onto the center of your face to remind you to love your neighbour. I arrived at the important part so I wandered awkwardly up to the altar and had to elbow my place amongst the elderly types, all of us looking like a row of genuflecting eggs proudly displaying our clean foreheads, the bald men had a air of superiority about them. The Priest arrived in front of me, meaningfully pushed his thumb into the cup, and proceeded to paint my head when the elderly man's elbow next to me slipped off the marble and nudged me to the left, I now look like I am sponsored by Nike. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Battle of the Black

Never give in, never give up.
Ammo runs out, morale runs low,
Never give in, never give up,
Fight with yourself, fight with them.

Sometimes give in, sometimes give up,
The last straw, the last weapon in hand,
Sometimes give in, sometimes give up,
Withdraw into yourself, withdraw from them.

Just give in, just give up,
Offer the surrender, offer the white flag,
You win, I give in.

No, not yet, I'll be back,
Never give up, never give in.

Polymath man.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Autumn days of home

The soft pitter patter of light rain descends,
the rays of sunshine leak through the leaves
reaching my face like a lover's touch,
offering warm moments as I walk through the funnels of foilage
that arc along the by-roads and botharins of home,

I walk and forget and reminisce all at once,
The cows stare and watch without understanding
and still I'm glad they are there as a calm company,
My heart slows,
My mind eases,

The road begins it journey to its end,
reality returns as a reminder to my life,
A brief moment of serenity in the gloaming
all too soon floats away and gone.

The soft pitter patter of light rain descends,
the rays of sunshine leak through the leaves
reaching my face like a lover's touch,
offering warm moments as I walk through the funnels of foilage
that arc along the by-roads and botharins of home.

Polymath man

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I Am The Captain Of My Soul

Out of the night that covers me
black as the pit from pole to pole
I thank whatever gods may be
for my unconquerable soul

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud
Under the bludgeonings of chance
my head is bloody, but unbowed

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
looms but the horror of the shade
and yet the menace of the years
finds, and shall find me, unafraid

It matters not how strait the gate
how charged with punishments the scroll
I am the master of my fate
I am the captain of my soul

by William Earnest Henley

Sunday, March 4, 2012

I'm about to start a new project. A project  epic proportions. I will blog upon all recent dates. Starting with tomorrow, world! yes I'm speaking you! I need your help,  you have been quiet, now I need your voice, advice and opinions.

Friday, January 6, 2012


Elusive, rare, scarce, sparse, exceptional...all words that can be used to describe the 'one that got away'. Its the New Year and as with all New Years, one turns to abit of reminiscing and starts reviewing the year gone past, and before you know it your reviewing your whole life, your whole damn life. "Regrets I've had a few"...bollox to that...regrets I've had a barn full. The ones that stick out the most are mostly women I broke up with. I think this is a normal male thing to do when he finds himself single with no lines of inquiry for future women. There is one in particular, a girl I was going out with when I was in college in Ucc, by jove she was awesome, tanned, smart, hot as hell (experiencing an area of high pressure that probably going to be around until Saturday when a low pressure area will come sweeping in from the west) and I, younger I, decided to break up with her because she was too clingy, What! WHAT! was I thinking, shes gone on to do medicine and is probably helping save lives in some foreign land. Its nice to think that if I'd chosen to stay with her that life would be 'neutral' right now, what I mean by neutral is that we'd have the apartment together, maybe even a dog and life would be comfortable like an old armchair that envelopes your form perfectly so that you don't have to fidget to get comfortable, you just are. But these are only dreams and ideals, only a utopian version of life that can only ever survive in the safety of your imagination where it is protected from all the harsh realities of the reality itself. Still though its nice to think along those lines sometimes. New Years Resolution: lessen the amount of ones that get away because of foolish decisions. and give up smoking...