Friday, November 6, 2009

The Friend Zone: be afraid, be very afraid!

Group of friends in water, smiling
You like a girl ,you enjoy her company and believe that she enjoys yours aswell. This is a good thing right? Wrong. It's a confusing thing and confusion leads to mistakes and miscommunication. Reading too much into somethings and then too little into other things. A man can be friends with a girl, absolutely its possible, its just not easy. The pesky thing called sex gets in the way. Now if your reading this and believe that this isn't true, infact your reading this and thinking, "rubbish I'm good friends with a girl and sex isn't an issue" then i'm afraid one of either two things have occured, number 1: you'd better check yourself because your testicles have fallen off, or number 2: you've fallen into the friend zone. This is a dangerous and confidence killing place for any man to be, especially if the man holds feelings for the girlfriend (bad choice and turn of phrase) I mean girl who has now become a friend. I myself have a friend to whom this has happened, (Cue people thinking I'm actually talking about myself, I can assure you I'm not). He is in love with this girl but can't get anywhere with her, why? again its the friend zone. So using this chap as an example I shall attempt to explain the symptoms that accompany the friend zone virus. This lad is one of the funniest people I know, and one of the smartest and as such one would think he'd have no problem with the ladies but because of his fixation with this girl, as Metallica once put it: Nothing else matters. He would go anywhere for this girl and do almost anything for her and for no return. Now this girl in question knows well how this guy feels and uses it to her advantage. She has him by the short and curlies and is pulling them straight. She has absolutely no intention of ever being with him, but feeds him just the right amount of inneundo to keep him going. Poor guy is blind to numerous calls to pull that wool out of his eyeballs from myself and the rest of his buddies. So just remember its not as much fun in Central Perk as t.v says it is.