
A selection of Art and Artists.
This is a random enough selection.
Just like Art.

Vermeer's Glass of Wine
Vermeer was born in 1632. Very little is actually known about his life. Jan Vermeer of Delft is counted amongst the greatest of the Dutch artists. All his pictures are painted in perfect colour harmonies, with fantastically balanced and rather geometrical compositions. Each one is painted with incredibly realism, this technique is known as 'trompe d'oeil'. This realism can be attrituted to his use of the 'camera-obscura'.

Camera Obscura
He was certainly not appreciated in his own time. He built up his pictures balancing light and dark shapes in the compositions, known as abstract qualities, this was not really accepted in his day and his use of the camera-obscura made one of his critics declare, "...the effect of the camera is striking but false".


Francisco Goya (1746-1828) was a Spanish painter who became known as the last of the ancient masters and the first of the modern greats. He was to become the royal artist to the Spanish court. His works are truly remarkable even today, and quiet striking. Lets take for instance his famous Nude, called La Maja Desnuda:
La Maja Desnuda
This painting was incredibly risky at the time, he was even brought before the Spanish Inquisition to explain it, as it was described as 'obscene'. However what makes this paintin even more interesting is the fact that he painted an identical painting at roughly the same time except the model is clothed, called La Maja Vestida:

La Maja Vestida
His reasons for doing this were never to become clear but the results are truly beautiful.

Marcel Duchamp:

Duchamp's Bicycle Wheel
Marcel Duchamp's (1887-1968)  Bicycle Wheel (1951) is described as the beginning of the Modern art movement (excuse the crap pun) but it got the wheel rolling (ha). The one pictured above was a replacement he made after the first one simply went missing. He argued he used a new stool and a new wheel so the replacement was in fact not a replacement but a new piece of art.

Beautiful Bull S#@T:
Love this sketch, the geometry of the lines, the chosen dimensions and the complete lack of inherent fear. Beautiful, one of favourites. Picasso's Bull.

RODIN :   Auguste can't get enough....

This mans sculptures are amazing, we'll all seen his 'Thinker' but I highly recommend branching out and checking some of his other works.

More Art coming soon...