Friday, September 25, 2009

Lonely bones

England, Suffolk, single oak tree against sky
Its amazing what you can get used to, humans have an amazing ability for getting used to almost anything. I suppose in the animal kingdom we'd call that adapting. adapting to changing circumstances and environments. People can do the same with the urban environment and what with being on the top of the food chain that means we only have to get used of each other. I was on my own before i met the ex and i was quite happy that way. however recently ive just noticed how lonely i am at times. I'm talking about the type of thing that involves sitting in and watching telly on my own, staring at the dog and wondering what's going on in his head, this can be an amazing thing to do while away the time. You see loneliness and boredom go hand in hand and can kill a person's soul. I can remember a time when I didnt mind being on my own, now of course its different. Thing is one gets used to it and the person doesnt even notice its happening. Well thats it for now, needed a rant and besides it kept the boredom away.