Saturday, April 24, 2010

I don't think there is anything better in life than been drunk and typing whatever comes to mind which is what i'm doing write noe. I've been out with my friend, ah hell lets call him 'hom' if it isn't a real name then it should be. 'Hom' what lady could resist a name like that, unfortuntley probably an awful lot. ah yas talking bull shite, or in other words talking; exactly what they want to hear. for instance tonight i convinced a girl that had just returned home after a trip which involved climbing k2. surely this is a step too far you might think, but no not for a man of my skill, far from it. was i with this girl? no, no no i was not. but that still does not lessen the fact that she truely belived the fact that less an week ago I had climbed k2. Indeed I went into such detail as to say that it would not have been possible without my friend, slash serba Berg Carl, so called because I had very little time to thing and just but the particular pint i was drinking backward, an awesome moment if i do says so myself. however and at this stage you are priobably wondering how the hell did it go wrong after this? well is quite simple, i was out with a friend, called 'hom' I think I may have mentioned him before but too be honest I'm too drunk and too lazy to back track over what i've previously typed. this just proves that this live. Ah chridt i've forgetten what I was know what is really awesome???? when you pull up to a petrol station(for all my american friends a 'gas station' which to be honest sounds like some like of place that is especially designed for those who like to fart in a particural area, i lknow 'particular' is spelt wrong but feck it i'm drunk right now so deal with it. ) and but in exactly the right amount of petrol that you meant, that is to say, that you but in 5.00 not 5.01 but exactly 5.00. oh what a man you feel. if you didn't get just right then people would laugh at you and I wouldn't blame them. Other than my huge penis this is what I rely on, yes I rely on my abilty to just the right amount of petrol into my car to prove my manhood. outstanding. I have completely forgetten what is waqs I meant to say, so just enjoy this blog the way it is. goodluck