Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The importance of being earnest

Bird flying with sun flare
Rightio, I'm sick of being single, that is for sure. I'm about as happy with being a single person as a porta-loo is at a convention for the "lactose intolerant and obese people who love cheese and don't care of the consequences", not many members admittedly but all you reall y need is one to make for an unhappy porta-loo. But I'm also aware that there is no point in giving out about it, so perhaps its time to focus on the advantages of the single life. Um lets see... advantages... good points... pro's if you will... well the major one that people who are in a relationship tend to focus on is the freedom of being single. FREEDOM!! is not as dramatic as Braveheart will have you believe, its boring at times. I'm free to do whatever I want, whenever I want, I can do anything I want to do, except of course what I want to do. Hold on i just realise that I'm suppose to be focusing on the good points. So yes the positives, well I'm free to arse about and do nadda, and I'm free to head out and about whenever I like and chat away to as many slappers as I can fit into an evening as I like but truth is I don't actually like this anymore. Don't get me wrong I love arsing about and having the craic and much as the next person, in fact I love it more than the next person its just I'm getting sick of the same auld shite every night out, the same auld stories every morning and the same auld shock and awe between the lads regarding different women. I now want the same auld shite with the same auld woman again- scratch the auld woman part just wrote that the repetition factor of course I want the same auld shite with the same pretty woman. No no no I'm at it again, focus on the positives for god sake, right another positive is that you can sleep with as many different women as you like. That is a really strong positive and is hard to argue with, except that sometimes the one woman will do just fine, well not just do, no wait that doesn't sound right, what I meant was that sometimes one woman is all you need. If its the right one that is, so you get sick of cracking on to women that you just know won't be there is the long run, that's why when you meet someone and your not sure and it could go either way then you stick with them just in case and its awesome and heart breaking when it sometimes falls apart. ah god dang it I'm gone of on a tangent again.