Friday, September 4, 2009

Much ado about nothing to do

Alaska Earthquake 1964
The problem with trying to rise out of the ashes of a shelled and gutted relationship is that sometimes you would rather run around in the debris with superglue and try to paste the pieces back together rather than simply move on. "Simply move on", what a bad choice of words. There is nothing simply about it. you say to yourself millions of people have been through this before and they have recovered so logically you will aswell. It doesn't help. You say to yourself that if two people want different things then sometimes a compromise cannot be reached and thats the end of it. It doesn't help. In fact nothing much does help. I find keeping myself busy means I have less time to solely focus on the missing piece of me. Its always there though as it always hurts.
You see if one party is still in love with the other, its very hard to get angry with them for leaving you. Anger can be a very useful tool in getting past something this, anger means that you don't miss that person and you don't worry about that person, it is a very selfish emotion. Without such a dominant emotion as anger you can find yourself becoming overcome with lesser emotions such as compassion, for the other party, sorrow for the both of you and finally hope.
Hope is the real killer. Hope takes over when the other party gave you no real reasons. Hope means that you never fully deal with the reality of things. You end up thinking about senariosin which everything will be fine, it'll sort itself out, the right word here the right action there and everything is back to normal. Whilst this may be true for a lucky alternative version of yourself in this vast multiverse, it rarely is for little auld you. Little auld you has to dust yourself off from the debris and simply wait. Do nothing but wait, it will eventually get better. Thats what I'm banking on anyway.


  1. You have a profoundly accurate sense of the far side of the relationship Nicholas. You've put into words what most people only think. The reason for that? they believe they are the only one's to ever feel/see life that way.

  2. I thank you for the comment, and agree wholeheartly with you.
